If you want to install Google Chrome without internet connection or if you having problems with Google Chrome online installer then this article will help you.
Google Chrome is worlds fastest web browser which is made and maintained by Google. Google Chrome was released on 2nd September, 2008 and it is working on almost all platforms.
We can download Google Chrome by visiting google.com/chrome easily. But, sometime.. May we have a slower connection or facing some trouble with the online installer then we need Alternate (offline) Google Chrome Installer Setup. After successful installation, Google Chrome automatically detects its newer versions and update automatically.
So Now.. Do you want to install Google Chrome then choose between two alternate installer of Google Chrome:
- If you’re downloading Chrome for your own user account only, use this installer: Alternate installer for one user account »
- If you’re downloading Chrome for all user accounts on your computer, use this installer: Alternate installer for all user accounts »
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